Planned building outages for summer 2012

Here’s a list of planned network outages at each specific school for the summer of 2012.  At each of the following schools, we are replacing the network switches – which means that computers at that specific school will not work during these timeframes.

These specific dates were created in coordination between the district tech staff and the building administration.

Fairmeadows Elementary:
Outage planned for June 14-15

Westridge Elementary:
Outage planned for June 18-19

Jordan Creek Elementary:
Outage planned for June 20-21

Clive Elementary:
Outage planned for June 25-26

Western Hills Elementary:
Outage planned for June 27-28

Phenix Early Childhood Center:
Outage planned for July 2-3

Hillside Elementary:
Outage planned for July 9-10

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