Tag Archives: IEP

Adding flat screen TVs for IEP meetings

We’ve had many requests for adding some type of projection system for IEP meetings, as it’s common to show/display the plan for the entire team as the meeting is taking place.   After evaluating many of the conference rooms that are used for IEP meetings, we are proceeding with ensuring that each school has a flat screen TV or existing projection system in a conference room that is used for IEP meetings.  For schools that already had projection systems installed – these systems will remain and will not be replaced.

Here’s the breakdown for each school and our status on getting a TV/projection system for IEP meeting spaces……

Clive Elementary:  Completed, TV installed.

Crestview Elementary: In progress, TV has been ordered.

Crossroads Park Elementary:  Already has projection system

Fairmeadows Elementary: In progress, TV has been ordered

Hillside Elementary: In progress, TV has been ordered

Jordan Creek Elementary: In progress, TV has been ordered

Phenix Early Childhood Center: In progress, TV has been ordered

Western Hills Elementary: In progress, TV has been ordered

Westridge Elementary: Done, TV has been installed


Indian Hills Junior High: In progress, TV has been ordered

Stilwell Junior High: Location yet to be determined, installation likely to be this fall after construction is complete.

Valley Southwoods: In progress, TV has been ordered

Walnut Creek Campus: Location yet to be determined, installation likely to be this fall after the move in to the new location.

Valley High School: Location yet to be determined, installation likely to be this summer or next fall.


What about Media Centers, where whole staff meetings take place?
We are also evaluating these spaces as well.  Currently, some our schools have a projection system in the media center.  We are evaluating the remaining schools and looking for affordable solutions for these spaces.